palm leaf shopping bags are very useful when you want to avoid plastic. Keep all 3 sizes in the car and can be used for a whole host of things. Must have if you love tote bags.
Useful as a swimming/beach toys, picnic basket, grocery, handbag and other excursions. Also used as lunchbag as its sterdy and smart.
Whether you’re looking for a palmleaf handbag, picnic bag, wedding gift bag, or just a stylish everyday tote, this is the bag for you! Our beloved clients usually like collecting these bags in different colours, to use as stylish storage totes around the house — and even as a small dorm room laundry basket! This basket bag is strong, durable, and will maintain its shape for many years to come. Perfect for carrying dallah pot.
Made by women from rural India, hand braided. Its available in 3 sizes, refer images for size guide.
All made with sustainable material: palm leaves with faux leather handles.