After a great trip you wash the bike and There It Is: big, rubbed-right-through-the-paint dull area, ...right where your pack, straps, and bungees went. ($$$, sh_t.) This anti-slip, padded, cut-to-fit foam covered mesh can save your bike’s paint from a thousand abrasions or scratches on your next trip. The most carefully loaded duffels and soft bags can ‘walk’ due to road and engine vibrations. Place this durable 3/16” thick reinforced pvc mesh between your bags, bungees and bike bodywork for maximum protection and increased load security, no matter how rough the road conditions. If you can predict a problem, you can prevent it. This versatile stuff is also great as a tool drawer liner in the workshop, an anti-skid sheet on a dashboard, or a vegetable bin liner in the fridge. Very durable, too. Black. 24” x 36”.